
Ballet is a great way to build discipline, strength and flexibility. You don’t have to be a ballerina to enjoy the benefits of it...football players have been known to take Ballet to help improve their flexibility and balance! En Pointe is also the home to the pre-professional performing arts company, Avoda Dance Company. Majority of our advanced level dancers perform with the company and it’s a great goal for young dancers to work towards. A Ballet class at En Pointe is the best place to start.
Creative Movement
This class is for our youngest dancers, ages 3-4. There are many benefits to this class for your little one including: body and spatial awareness, flexibility, taking turns with other children, waiting in line, locomotive movements, and manners. Our creative movement teachers infuse these classes with joy and excitement that your little dancer will love!
There are many benefits to taking Tap at En Pointe. Tap will improve your musicality, which will aid you in all styles of dance. It works on loosening hips, knees, and ankles. It will also improve your weight shifting, balance, as well as core strength. It’s also a ton of fun and great for any age!
Jazz is an upbeat, energetic class that teaches stylization based on classical Ballet techniques. While there are many different styles of Jazz, our Jazz instructor teaches classical Jazz, Pop/Funk Jazz, and Theatrical Jazz. If you’ve ever seen a Musical on Broadway or on TV and thought, “I want to do that,” then Jazz is the class for you!
Modern: Modern dance was originally invented as the rebellion to Ballet as dancers performed movements in parallel instead of turned out. However, now, Modern dance is performed all over the world and allows dancers a chance to move and push boundaries in creative new ways. Modern class benefits include: discipline and overall strength, improvisational techniques, floor work, and choreography composition skills.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop is a fun class for any age and any level of experience. Dancers will gain coordination, spatial awareness, physical fitness, stamina, control, and performance quality. The music in this class is always upbeat, fun, and energetic, making it a fantastic class for any child or teen.
Our program focuses on strength and conditioning, flexibility, and Acro tricks. In this program, your student will learn beginner-level acrobatic tricks, partnering, and across-the-floor combinations. They will learn to incorporate these tricks into their Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, and even Ballet classes. This class is a perfect blend of classical technique and acrobatic skills. While all dance forms involve physical activity, this particular form has unique choreography as it consists of acrobatics as well.

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Any Questions about classes? call us during business hours at (770) 381-5787